On 오목교 전자상가 YouTube channel we were able to find a new DokeV video. Actually a bit old Gameplay, but if you take a look, you can get an idea of the potential of the new Open World game developed by Pearl Abyss.
If you don’t remember, Peal Abyss, the developer of the MMORPG Black Desert, has its own graphics engine.

The video shows gameplay footage and various aspects are discussed, from game mechanics to technical details. Here’s a summary:
In the beach scene, the beauty of the surroundings is appreciated, such as the sunlight on the water and the waves. Also when the character walks on the water it generates waves, something really incredible!.

You could also see the white foam and the details, such as the physics applied to small objects, when the character passes over them he can push them like the picnic box, the chair, etc.
The layout of the map is discussed and how a variety of environments and atmospheres can be experienced, taking into account a cycle of day and night.
It is concluded that the video is a sample of the Pearl Abyss engine technology and the general atmosphere of “DokeV”. Please note, what you can see in this video is NOT a definitive representation of the game and its release and new gameplays are eagerly awaited.